Can VR / AR Change Education in India?
The way we explaining stories to kids to the way that the medical students operate patients, everything will change!.
In an interview, About Indian current education, Sudar Pichai said that "today our education system values rigorous academic knowledge. Being more creative in approaching education is important". The comment is the best feedback to our system because he is also an Indian Student.
Even though theory or verbal education is not the accurate way of transferring the knowledge still we are following the same tradition in Education. To adapt to the environment which is more dynamic, we need to prepare students to take risks. We must make them learn more effectively and creatively.
Historically Indians are the masters in education where people from abroad use to visit India and learn education with the passion. Now students lack the basic computer knowledge which shows we failed to update to the current way of teaching. It might lead to a great educational gap in India to the advanced technologies.
Virtual Reality (VR) can help people to understand the concept by doing and seeing it. VR/AR implementation is vast in Education system. Soldiers using VR to fight in argument war field (Created by graphics). Even if the other virtual character shoots at the soldier, he feels the pain through small electric shock!.
Expeditions AR experiment shows that how technology changes the way of learning.
We can feel our self that the technology is amazing for learning. To make education more playful for kids and to make education very practical and more understanding Indian education must have VR/AR technology. Google playing a very important role in Education with Google maps, Arts and Culture.
Now our young generation needs the capacity to run organizations with the help of best technologies. Almost all Indian tech giants working on AI, Big data, Digital transformation etc on the other way very few academic colleges teaching about it.
Students learning all the new things through courses by paying thousands which are the loss of time to Students as well as the nation. I think SWAYAM the digital education in India has the best future if it is paired with AR/VR.
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