God's Move: Deepmind AI wins Hearts of Go game Professionals
Many of us don't know actually what is Go game. So let me discuss it first. Most of Indians play the chess game. 8X8 grid and the coins limitations to move is the little tough at the first time but we can play later normally. But in case of Go game, we do have 19X19 grid. To learn the rules it's super simple.
How to play
The player with the black stones, referred to as `Black', makes the first move. The player with the white stones, referred to as `White', makes the second move. Thereafter, they alternate making their moves.
A move is made by placing a stone on an intersection.
A player can play on any unoccupied intersection he wants to.
A stone does not move after being played unless it is captured and taken off the board.
Amazing facts about the game
But the difficulty arises later, we do have 10^170 (ten to the power 170) moves in the game! which is more than the number of atoms in the universe 10^80 ((ten to the power 80). Till now no computing system has beaten the Go professionals. It has the history of over 3000 years which believed to be the oldest board game continuously played today.
Deepmind player
Deepmind founded in 2010 which aims to solve intelligence and apply it to the world for its betterment. It wants to build self-learning machine with the help of Artificial intelligence technology. It already succeeded in building the machine which learned 'breakout' game in just 240 minutes.
Google, the giant of technology is on the same path, acquired deepmind in 2014. In the month of May 2017, the game happened between Ke Jie, Chinese Go Grandmaster and the deepmind machine explored the beauty of the game. Ke Jie said, "I judged it incorrectly first".
Seoul from South Korea who is also a great player defines "In Game Two, the Google machine made a move that no human ever would. And it was beautiful. As the world looked on, the move so perfectly demonstrated the enormously powerful and rather mysterious talents of modern artificial intelligence."
So it is expected as one of the milestones in the AI discovery. The machine is learning the logics from the scratch. After the successful experiment, deepmind decided to apply in real life scenarios like infrastructure and products. A major breakthrough in the energy sector by cooling google data center by 40% is one of the milestones in its work.
It is also working in other fields like healthcare. Streams one of the products serving patients and doctors by providing instant reports. It is not only reducing the time of working on the report but also helps patients to get treatment early than expected.
In near future, we can expect incredible innovations and improvements from Deepmind in global issues and other local issues too. Few questions arise about the domination or aggressiveness of machines over humans. We have to wait and see how deepmind deals with it.
It seems Google is the first organization to announce the first AI product of its kind. Facebook tried to achieve the language and it is in progress.
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