How Google Earth inspires Entrepreneurs
Google Earth aims to locate the whole universe!
Google Earth, Mars, Moon and Sky
The surface area of earth is nearly 200 million square miles. If you want to travel the whole earth you need move forward 1 trillion cubic kilometers. On an average human walks 3 kilometers per hour. It takes 20 minutes to cover 1 kilometer. There were people like Dave Kunst and Steven Newman who wanted to travel the whole world by walk!.
Steven Newman holds Guinness book of records as the first person to walk around the world solo. He crossed 20 countries covered over 15,000 miles in his 4 years journey!.
Now Google earth covers the whole Earth, Mars, Moon and Sky. With the help of NASA mission Rover, it helps to look the land of the Red planet. It also has the previous versions of Mars planet which helps us to understand how Mars exploration evolved with time.
Google Earth + Daydream VR = The world is in front of our eyes!
Now we can fly over mountains without accidents, We can travel anywhere at any time, Either seven wonders or Amazon forest no issues!. Even the travel obsessed people could not reach all the location in their lifetimes. The professional schedules make us always stick to the office hours. These technology combinations might be helpful. Even though we do not get the live experience at least we can look into the things as it is with virtual reality.
What Entrepreneurs Can learn
Entrepreneurship is always a tough task. Managing everything from little tasks, to know new things, to play smart we must use multiple strategies. We must act as both King and King maker. Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba says for entrepreneurs "Today is difficult, tomorrow is more difficult but the day after tomorrow will be beautiful".
Identifying the pain in the society/self and curing it in less pain is the job of the entrepreneur. I will call them "society doctors" who always try to reduce the pain of the society.
Mike Podwal, Product manager google VR says "Google Earth began as an effort to help people everywhere explore our planet". The project started with a small hope to connect people to the world. Today it is reaching the space with mars, moon and sky maps. It not helping only the people but also transportation companies like ola and uber too.
Similarly, we do have unlimited opportunities that we don't know now. That's why entrepreneurs say jump first and thing as much as you want next. It doesn't mean that we have to do it without the plan. Know about your field and create the new view to the business.
Ola started with cabs now its offering buses, auto rickshaw facilities and it may reach to flights as well!. Setting global targets and presenting beautifully to the customers are the lessons from google earth. The expansion is the way. all the best to all entrepreneurs.
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